Between Jordan And Queen Noor

jordan and queen noor

What is thee relationship among Jordan And Queen Noor?. Queen Noor was the last wife of the King of Jordan Hussein, she become Queen Consort of the King during the years 1978 to 1999. Since her husband died in 1999, he was active in the social organization of humanity. focus takes care of the problems of education, development and cross-culture understanding. Queen Noor became head of the movement of the United World Collages and an advocate for campaign program development of nuclear weapons, Global Zero.

Queen Noor is currently still being called as the Queen even though no longer called Her Majesty Queen of Jordan, but her Majesty Queen Noor-HM the Queen of Jordan is now the title of Queen Rania, wife of King Abdullah II, the eldest son of the late King Hussein from Queen Alia.

but, the Queen Mother still play an active role in promoting international exchanges and understanding of the Arab and Islam Culture and politics. its activities also include the relationship of Arab and Western Countries, conflict prevention and recovery issues such as refugees, about missing persons, poverty and disarmament.

The Queen is an active could even be called an activist. ambitious plans are not young anomore still helped found media programs that highlight such issues and the restoration of peace and the development of conflicts over the last decade focused on the Middle East, The Balkans, Central Asia and South East Asia, Latin America, and Africa. he was also active in international organizations and the UN to humanity.

Queen Noor and The Commitment In The Social Field.
already since the year 1979, while still being a Queen Consort, Queen Noor Al Hussein had already established the Noor Foundation (NHF). the Mission of the organization is to give thought Jordan and Middle east development by program of poverty eradication and sustainable development, women empowerment, micro finance, health, environmental conservation and the arts a medium for the development of social and cultural exchanges.

Queen Noor also founded the King Hussein Foundation International (KHFI) in 1999 the King Hussein humanitarian with vissi, to be applied either in Jordan or in a foreign country. KHFI on shore through the center of the center of the United State (US), Queen Noor give award years to individuals, group or institutions to show the leadership inspiring and courageous in their efforts of promoting sustainable development, human rights, tolerance and justice of the peace.

in May 2007, KHFI deploying humanitarian and Media Program at New York City's tribeca film festival to promote the film and media projects that highlight the social values, economics, politics and culture, with particular emphasis on the Middle East and in Muslim World.

Queen Noor has traveled extensively through out the Balkans since his first mission in 1996. he become a Commissioner of the International Commission on missing persons (ICMP) to promote reconciliation and conflict resolution through search, recovery and identification of missing persons and armed conflict in the Balkans.

In addition the Queen join the seta role in advocacy Campaign Anti mine International army. he visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia, The Balkans, Middle East, Africa and Latin America to advocate the use of the landmines especially on civilian areas, at the invitation of President Andreas Partrana and President Alvuntaro Uribe V. Queen Noor also do humanitarian mission in Colombia.

in 2004 and 2005, Queen Noor was appointed as expert advisors to the UN. soon after that he runs a trip to southeast Asia with implementing the Ottawa Treaty throughout the region and multi-sector is committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Tajikistan, one of the poorest countries in the world. Queen Noor is actively involved in a number of international organizations promoting peace and conflict recovery global.

Queen Noor was the founder of the Global Zero. namely the international institutions to eliminate nuclear weapons around the world, as the advisor of the seeds of peace, the Council of Women World Leaders, waging Peace and Woman Campaign Anti mines International Army.

in addition to international organizations, Queen Noor has also served as head of the World Unite Collage, a school for international students coming from different cultures, but they lived and live in peace. Queen Noor sitting as a member of the Board of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, alongside former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Queen Noor to become the international Spokesman for Program development and civil society peace Middle East. in a typical seating, he twice visited Montreal, Canada to do a number of fundraising activities, including the establishment of the Fund on behalf of an MMEP program Queen Noor.

recognition of various his efforts, Queen Noor has gained numerous awards and an honorary doctorate in international relations, law and the humanities. he was awarded the UNITED NATIONS environment program for her hard work in environmental protection. Queen Noor was also awarded the 2009 Global Environmental Citizen Award from Harvard University. in June 2009, he also had the honor of the organization Physicians for social responsibility in Los Angles.

to know More about Queen Noor please read also article about Jordan And Biography Of Queen Noor Wife Of King Hussein

Queen Noor currently divides his time among Jordan, Washington Dc and London, he continues to work on behalf of various international organization and appears as a speaker as much as 70-100 the event each year.

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