13 Men Tips How To Be A Good Kisser

Did you know that kissing a man are the same meaning with a he signature? and did you know that the problem of the kiss can make you left go by your partner?, please refer to the following men tips for being good kisser :

men tips and how to be a good kisser
men tips how to be good kisser

1. control your saliva! there is no women who likes to look at saliva, meaning that melts, your whim is okay to kiss your partner, but don't over do it.

2. do shave with neat, many women often complains because exposed sideburns neatly not shaven head man.

3. a Hollywood stars once were reviled by co-star because the smell of breath are not fresh out of his mouth when acting kissing  in flaming a movie, then don't let it happen to you, it is advisable to keep your breath fresh.

4. control the lip tension, you should be aware, kissing is an art which is quite beautiful. do it beautiful and did with a passion that is controlled, so that you can feel the delicious and beautiful kissing.

5. don't make shock new woman you know with a kiss of coercion and excessive passion, you may just give you a kiss, but are doing it slowly and carefully, trying to let the mood you both come at the same time.

6. don't forget, not only do the kiss on the lips, try to explore your partner's sensitive areas, such as the neck, and the ears.

7. if a wife or lover you already feel comfortable with you kissing, try using your tongue while french kiss! this will make your passions are both strengthened.

8. remember, this is not the run marathon, so it's not important how long you can keep your tongue inside his mouth, combine with a brief kiss in lips and gently on the brow, cheeks, and neck, and proceed back to the lips.

9. did you know that many women crazy about Richard Gere? that's because Gere clever use of all parts of him body while kissing, she often uses her hand to caress the hair or embracing a hip companion, why you do not imitate them?

10. remember, kissing is for your enjoyment, so do with relaxed, don't always chase him with your hands and your tongue, learn to give and receive.

11. don't give a kiss to his ear a la France if you're not sure liked it, don't shred the lovely atmosphere by doing something that makes her feel uncomfortable.

12. do a gentle jolt on the back of the ear. so also when you kiss her ears, the back of the neck as well as well as when you kiss her neck, utter sentences seduction sedative to get her in the mood.

13. leave him wanting more, don't kiss him too often, let him who ask more from you, not the other way around.

Please Read Also About 8 Men Tips About Known The Secret Women

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