4 Men Tips How To Perform Formal Perfectly

Appear synonymous with formal wear a full suit and shiny shoes, and hair combed neatly, not to guarantee you deserve to appear formal, there are a number of little things that should be noted for perfecting your look.

men tips how to perform formal perfectly
men tips how to perform formal perfectly

1. Shave On The Weekend
if you want to shave his beard and mustache, we recommend that you do at of the weekend, saturday or Sunday, why? there are two reason : namely, the appearance and comfort.

new shaved faces will look shiny, especially if you wear the wrong aftershave, abrasions and streaks are also clearly visible, the issue of comfort, the new skin is dismembered by razor is very sensitive, do not come into contact with while comfort collar, and must use the shirt to support a formal look. 

do shaved 12 hour prior to a formal event you went to, you are going to shave on the weekend is very safe, on Monday, face skin already look natural, don't forget, feather nose also mush on trim.

2. The Barber Week Long At Before
this difference of women with men, women could go to an invitation directly from the salon, the man could not be the case, the appearance of the perfect man is the moment she looks natural. prune hair make hairstyles is not natural, and it look a week to make to make the hair natural again.

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3. Without Jewelry
men are not allowed to use jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings (and any other piercing), but that's for the casual occasions, when wearing jerseys or even military shirts, accessories were fine, even strengthening to masculine , but, when the formal look, it makes us look accessories feminine, even black bracelet you buy from any of the famous boutique should be removed when performing formal.

4. Do Not Take A Bath Perfume
the fragrance it's necessary, but don't overdo it, formal look of the core is to be a gentleman, and none of the gentleman "shouting", excessive perfume make you squeal like there-here, makes you look confident, and didn't seem to want to cover up something. if have terrible body odor,  be razor armpit hairs to reduce body odor that drastically, use deodorant that can block the pores in the gel like in armpit, but don't use every day because it will leave scars in shirt, if you select a strong deodorant, use one day in advance.

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