Beauty Tips For Women Be Know The History Of Nail Polish

Perfectly Polished! the appearance of the nail will be more perfect with nail polish. let's recounts the history of one of the world's oldest beauty products.

beauty tips of nail and how the nail polish history
beauty tips for women the history of nail polish

History Of Nail Polish
coloring nails first found earlier by China in the year 3000 BCE, at which time was Nail Polish made from Gum Arabic, egg whites, gelatin and beeswax, in the days of ancient Egypt, the use of nail polish was made as a sign of a person's female social status, a Queen and the Royal family are allowed to use nail polish red, whereas the women of the lower circles can only use pale colors.

coloring nails has been known since the start of the film started lively colored watched in Hollywood, women began to follow the celebrities who often use Nail Polish, in the years around 1920 dye modern nail with chemicals first discovered by Charles Revlon that finally Charles Revlon building Company, and now known by the name of Revlon.

in the era of the 1950's, using the color of the lipstick and nail polish which were to become the most sought after trends. because generally the color of lipstick that existed at the time it is just red and pink, and color nail polish at that time available at that time are just two of those colors.

Fun Facts.
  • how to make nail polish a lot of in cooking book recipes found in the 19th century in the United Kingdom and America. Weird!
  • design of Christian Louboutin shoe soles in the beginning is an accident, then, he borrowed nail polish to make a sketch of shoes and accidentally the nail polish coloring her with sol-kuteks.
  • the world's most expensive nail coloring using the raw material platinum is priced at more than US$ 55,000.
  • and in 1950, the women in America is obligated to remove the dye the nails on Sunday before going to pray or worship to church.
  • and in early January 2010, Volvo became the first car brand is launching a line of coloring nails!
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