The Spanish On History Of The Catherdal La Sagrada Familia In Barcelona

In Spain in the city of Barcelona there are named Cathedral the Cathedral La Sagrada Familia, La Sagrada Familia is Antoni Gaudi's most important saga (1852-1926) which could not be finalized by Antoni Gaudi. even up to now, what can be read from a building that is not completed? perhaps more than anything is complete.

la sagrada familia cathedral
Cathedral La Sagrada familia Barcelona-Spanish

the Cathedral is dedicated to the holy family of Jesus began to set up in the late 19th century, an era which is frenetic, as the late 19th century was when the new car was found, the first manned aircraft were flown, the know. discovery, update. Antoni Gaudi was young, when the 31-year-Old's already moving in a atmosphere like that.
Barcelona, like other cities in Europe at the time and until now experienced a massive industrial growth. this brought major change in the structure of social and cultural life, a as like the growth of bourgeois groups, namely the group with its economic strength, able to shift the Royal and Religious influence. then they become a patron and promoter (and sometime clients) artistic project, including architecture.

unlike the other, call it the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, Saint Paul in London, and Saint Peter in The Vatican, which is so formal, stiff, and closed, in La Sagrada Familia is a festival of imagery. while the architecture in general is an abstract that given him the distance with nature, Gaudi with naive returns that are "real" and "what it is" into the building. 

interest in nature made's be explore with vigor and thoroughness of a scientists. this opened his eyes on the many wonders of simplicity principle would be about the structure and form.

like the column, by adopting the form of  tree trunk Gaudi managed to find a settlement against mechanical loads. the dimensions of the column could be slimmer with just technique in engineering, a volute is the gyre building techniques that have the form of getting over so getting smaller, he also managed to remove the console buffer commonly used in Gothic architecture. on the node, it then breaks up the mast becomes branches that supports the ceiling.

Gaudi updating ceiling construction with break it down into palm leaf-shaped module reps. this system not only lighten the burden borne by each column, but also allows natural light at the meeting points of each module.

if the architecture is a record of the times, the Cathedral marks a shift. Gaudi has made Religion be not serious and did not finish, like a child with a building block, because it implies the building of a whole passion play, which is even a bit recalcitrant and wild. correct there are basic disciplines followed, but on completion of the details, he so freely, no load makes one element and the other symmetric and unison.

like the last Gate Of The Births, Nativity Facade. on the rock side, the humanity of Jesus not only be shown via the inlay on the moment of his birth, but also the important events of the past and not-in his life. the infant Jesus who worked as a Carpenter besides his father, also a wide range of everyday things that are easily recognizable. such as home wares and beasts. so dense and festive. and it lost its character of be static and become as if alive.

instead, at the Gates of Misery, Passion facade, we can find representations of death. a row of statues depicting the story of the miserable of Jesus, the ranks of the column-shaped bone at the top of the pillars, giant stunt and pressing the doors of the massive black colors gripped the top of it (of) thousands of letters very tightly. they may says something, but the absence of a pause to make it silent.

each side talked about other things, perhaps, for Gaudi, religion is celebrating diversity and diversity that are such as the looming towers that touched the sky as a sign of notability. bells who voiced the call from heaven. as a representation of the cross of Jesus. doves as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. and symbols can appear randomly anywhere, the egg symbolizes wholeness and rise above the head of Mary.skulls, death, under the sign of the cross of Jesus. Cryptogram which record the age of Jesus at the gate of suffering. a kind of shock effects that make the symbol more talking.

watch the La Sagrada familia is currently witnessing the human capability beyond the limitations of self and time, imaginable, a Gaudi's own work in space, far-after all other workers returned home, long after the sun tilted and long shadows-spent his life above the sheets of paper work from thousands of sketches , watching the pieces of stem wood and Crystal stone, make a trial structure of rays and bags of sand.

Antoni Gaudi died in 1926, three days after he was hit by a tram;forty-three years after he first worked on projects of this Cathedral. he may be blessed to have client that are not angry that the building failed to finish. but, we both know, luck is not the game of genius. Barcelona even elections caused profit from the millions of tourists who come to watch this masterpiece, then what can be read from La Sagrada Familia which we do not know when will be the completion of? obsession, madness, freedom, but also integrity, and loyalty.

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