Trees And How Can A Tree Grow

How Can A Tree Grow?
as other beings, trees require food to be able to live and grow, and how that tree obtain food? in the soil the tree was sucking up water and minerals, from the air the trees inhale carbons that util dioxide, a substance found in the dun green trees hat utilize Sun power to manipulate the substances, sugar, and flour cellulose, so make that tree chemical processes are naturally to be able to live and growth.

tress and how can a tree grow
trees and how can a tree grow

among the woody stems and bark three is a thin layer that circular around the stem wood, a living layer of cells divided and we call "cambium", then the new cells were formed in "cambium" it.

the cells that form the inner cambium towards it when an adult becomes a layer of wood, wood cells that are formed on the outside of that when has adult cambium then would be a bark, which the cause the longer the tree it grows then the greater the cross section wooden trunk lines.

section diameter wood a tree trunk from day to day  growing gets larger, but it is not always the case with bark, which is why often bark had chapped, dried and loss.

the tree grows to tall to the top post, at the end of each limb or branch there is a group of the set of living cells, in active growth period travelled by the tree, these cells will still break down and form a more other cells.

cells that recently become large and formed the new leaves or branches and twigs, branches, and in this way it becomes a branch of length, once beyond a certain time, the cells at the tip of that branch becoming less its activities, so that the branches were slow in growth to be long.

new cells then it becomes hard and lumpy, thus resulting in the bud, in the winter you can see clearly that bids, in the spring it buds in bloom or loss, so that branch had the opportunity again to grow more in length.

so we see that with an intermediate layer of cambium on that tree and with the help of the living cells at the ends of the branches of the trees, and the trees that could be a width at the stem and grow into higher from year to year.

when we cut a tree at the base, then we will notice any groove circles of light and dark coloured on a cross section of the stem of the tree, the colour difference is due to the difference in the size of cells that forms the trunk of the tree.

groove coloured lighter circle is composed of cells, formed during the spring and early summer, the two strands together this lining thick woody stems indicate that formed during the year, by calculating the layers, we can tell how old a tree.

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