7 Tips On Choosing Paint For House And Your Room

Tips On Choosing Paint
It's time to paint the house or back of your room? before hurriedly seek a professional Carpenter, when you have time to spare, it's worth you try repainting the walls themselves. with the right technique, in addition to more frugal, you certainly will be more satisfied by your own.

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7 Tips On Choosing Pain For Your House And Your Room
1. the first thing you have to do is choose the type of course paint to suit the room what you want to do. in general, the paint is divided into two types, namely interior paint and exterior paint.

What Is Interior Paint?
the interior paint is usually available in a satin texture (not shiny), which is used for rooms such as the living room, bedroom, and dinning room.

satin matte paint, has a smooth surface but not slippery, making it a little difficult to clean up, therefore, in rooms that are often dirty or wet like the bathroom, the kitchen and washing room for example, choose textured paint semi gloss, semi gloss paint textured surface is shiny and a little bit harder and long lasting, making it easy to clean and isn't easily fades when exposed to water.

2. in addition to the texture of the surface, the basic ingredients of paint also affect the final outcome of the painting, water-based paint (latex pain) latex paint is usually easy to clean easily, latex paints commonly used for home interior.

however, if you want to paint the house, the more unique it is recommended when using alkyd paints are oil-based, because it is very durable against weather, but this type of paint is a bit long in the process dry, and you need a alcoholic liquid like thinner to clean up its remains, the paint is alkyd type, such as paint wood for example, may also offer a rather pungent smell when you dry it.

3. before you buy paint, you must take into account advance statements about how much paint you need, calculate the height of the wall and the length of the perimeter of the room, and then multiply. add spacious ceiling when you want to paint it, too. subtract the area of the doors and windows, and then, add the area with 25-30% of the total area, usually, on paint cans, there is a description of how the area can be covered with one gallon of paint.

when there is no description on the cans of paint, then it is advisable to ask the seller paint stores, divide the total area of the room walls with extents can be covered with paint.

4. in general, when you paint a wall surface, you need polish three layers of paint, the first layer serves as the base, and the other two serve to give color. but, light colored paint generally need more layers, especially if previous darker-colored walls.

5. when choosing a paint color, the colour appears in the colour palette or brochures will not normally right same with color really is, similarly, when you try to put a little squeezed in the store, because of the magnitude of the area that is covered when you repaint the walls of the house as well as different lighting affects color.

if you really want to know the look of the actual colour, buy a can of paint a sample size that is generally available in stores, and try to paint it on the corner of the walls of the room which you want to do.

6. similarly, the paint-rollers using this tool is much faster than using a brush, it is advisable for you to buy a good quality paint rollers, paint roller : for a cheap little rough and fluffy are generally rare, consequently easy paint shed everywhere so that the results of your work look less tidy.

just as a paintbrush, use the natural hairy roller bearings (as from the water, and it is better to use a brush that has materials from synthetic materials.

7. the right brush can also affect the results of the painting, when you use oil-based paint, use brushes natural hairy (generally a brush-brush made in China)

this brush is usually made of animal fur, and better absorb oil-based paint instead of synthetic fur, when you use a latex paint made of water, then you better use a brush that hairy of nylon thread or a mixture of nylon and polyester.

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