Whether The Rays Appear At North South?
The rays of the North or the Aurora Borealis is one of the symptoms of nature and the most awesome natural scenery.
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the rays appear at north south or aurora |
When the rays of the North or the Aurora Borealis appears, often a sound is crackling in space. rays is the North Gate of the giants that emit light at night and arch appears continued to move that caused amazement shining sometimes it radiates upwards in the shape of a fan.
at other times the light was again a highlight here and there like a giant flashlight, or move down to ride with a sudden movement, so the light is nicknamed people with the name "Jolly Dancers".
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more to the North again, the rays of the Aurora Borealis is often visible as the similar pieces, of fabric wide shawl hanging in the air, and swinging to and fro while increasing light is red, orange, green and blue flickering down up decorate the pieces that light.
according to calculations done scientifically, this light going on in places which are approximately 50 to 100 miles above the Earth's North Pole, the most visible and perceptible as well as in very clear from the region of Hudson Bay in Canada, from Northern Ireland from the Southern parts of Norway and Sweden.
sometimes the Northern rays or the Aurora Borealis can be seen from the United State when it crosses the sky its light highlight the North.
we call this "beam" or Aurora Borealis". this kind of light but can also appear in the Southern hemisphere, so his name was called the "aurora Australis". based on this fact, then both type of rays is called a person with the name "Aurora Polaris", or "Beam Pole".
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natural science has still not acquired the certainty as to whether these are actually light and where it came from, but most experts argue that the rays were caused by electrical current flowing out of the positive pole to the negative pole at the point for the higher atmosphere.
the rays is seemingly resolves around the axis of Earth's magnetic pole, seemingly common electrical and magnetic interference tat the time rays that shine with extraordinary glamour, this light also on the guess has to do with a certain blemishes on the Sun, which is still a riddle to us.
as a comparison we take this example, when air pump, until exhausted, out of it in a glass jar, and then distributes the spark of light that we danced in glass jar it, the appearance of the rays of the Aurora that takes place high above the surface of the Earth is seems like caused by similar symptoms, i.e a decrease in the flow of electricity from the Sun occurs through an already tenuous gas state that.
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