What Is Acids, The Type Of Acids, And Acids Benefits

What Is Acids, The Type Of Acids, And Acids Benefits

What Is A Acids? - Sometimes we read the Newspapers about someone who got hurt because of the great burned by acid. in general, indeed most people assume that the acid is a liquid substance that is dangerous, which can burn the skin and damage wear up the holes.

Picture Of What Is Acids, The Type Of Acids, And Acids Benefits

The Acid Benefits

this is certainly true, but it is only limited to a small amount of acid only. there are many types of acids in our diet, and it is precisely we need to needed our health. other acid used to make medicines, paints, cosmetics, and other industrial production.

there are a lot of various acids, but in general we can divide it into two group, namely organic acids and inorganic acids. here we provide a brief explanation of some of the important acid from their respective groups.

The Type Of Acids

Vitriol Acid 

is industry acid that is important, it can result in injury to the eyes and burn skin charred someone

Hydrochloric Acid

is a type of acid is another very strong power works, it can be made from sulfur and acid salts. hydrochloric acid is used to form other chemicals and is very good for cleaning the metal stuff.

our bodies produce a small amount of hyrdochloric acid that soft power works, which we use to help the process of digestion of food in our body.

Nitric Acid 

is acid other hardware that could damage the skin and eyes, conversely, boric acid a weak acid including converted motif, he was in Italy, he could be used to the manufacture of ceramic materials, cements, pigments, and cosmetics. sometimes it is also used as a germ killer, but power it works less well in this task.

Carbon Acid 

is derived from carbon dioxide gas, and in the soda water frequently drink there is little of this acid, arsenic acid is used to make insect repellent.

organic acid is not as hard as the non-organic acid, acetate acid we see in the vinegar and can be made by way of acidify the water apple cider. when sugar become sour in the milk, then we will get this acid, lactic acid, can make the milk taste sour, but it is also used as an ingredient of cheese makers.

Amino Acids

amino acids required to keep our body in order to be always in a state of healthy in fine health. these from acids from food ingredients containing protein. oranges, limes, grapefruit contain nicotinic acid which help to prevent skin disease.

so here we see that the ins and outs of this acid is very broad field and quite complicated, some are indeed harmful to humans, but some other very meritorious of industrial use. some are very supporting we need for our survival and is produced by a wide range of groceries, most generated by our own body for the purpose of certain function in our body.

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