Hannibal History And The Carthaginian - Africa

Hannibal History And The Carthaginian - Africa

Hannibal led approximately 247 to 183 BCE. At one time does not seem something else that can stem the power of Rome but with his authority to the regions and other countries. but when the Romans also want to master its trading port of Mediterranean Sea and rich, they rebelled with other powerful interests, i.e., Carthage.

Hannibal History And The Carthaginian - Africa Image

war is inevitable when it and the war continued for many years, among the leaders of the army of Carthage there were members of the Royal family who are very brave, that is named Barka.

one day someone from the nation named Hamilkarna Barka, brought his son named Hannibal who was nine years overlooking the sacred fire and tell Hannibal swear to the gods that Hannibal would hate the Romans with all our hearts to death.

Means Of Transport Used To Reach Hannibal Italy

While heading to Italy, Hannibal gets to the Rhone River. Hannibal knew that he and his men were confronted the army of Rome very much and very strong, and in the Rhone River any time there is no bridge to cross the river that Hannibal's army.

to avoid a clash that, Hannibal crossed with 50,000 troops and their animals in one day by making an emergency raft.

Hannibal And Elephants In Wars

Hannibal the elephant brought a number of Wars that have not been known to the Romans, with elephants and thousands of mules and horses, Hannibal crossed the Alps through the snowy roads and very steep, then Hannibal invades Italy suddenly, Hannibal successfully repelling all soldiers lurking, and Hannibal successfully moving towards Rome.

Hannibal Defeated The Romans At Kannae

In Kannae, no a General of Rome who were able to stem or halt the army led by Hannibal, Rome is where ingesting the heaviest defeat in Kannae.

of the 80,000 soldiers and 60,000 horsemen, almost all of them were killed by the army led by Hannibal, therefore Rome decided to attack Carthage by sending General Skipio. General Skipio attacked Carthage directly from the sea and forced Hannibal returned to defend his city.

Battle Of Hannibal in Zama City

the two armies to fight in the battle of Zama, near Carthage and the Roman army for the first time win a battle against Carthage. because of the defeat, Hannibal was forced to accept the terms of peace which is very heavy for it to run.

It turns out that the true enemy is not the Romans, Hannibal but townspeople Zama themselves, townspeople had accused him as the cause of the destruction of the town of Zama, Hannibal was forced to run away and swallowed the poison so he doesn't get caught.

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