What Is Reverberation And Causes Of Echo

What Is Reverberation And Causes Of Echo

What Causes Reverberation? - Now when we ask a question would you like to know about the ins and outs of this nature, then we had wished for an answer that is completely scientific and reasonable. but in the days of yore, people connecting with a legend to explain something. the legend that is used by the Greeks to explain the origin of echo that is very interesting.

Picture Of What Is Reverberation And Causes Of Reverberation

The Legend Of Echo Or Echo In The Greece

here's the story, once the event there was a beautiful fairly named Echo, who had a weakness in the behavior, that he is too chatty. to punish him, the goodness Hera forbade speaking without first admonished by others. it was only limited opportunity to repeat words that are at the hear.

one day this Echo saw a valiant youth named Narcissus. then immediately Echo fell in love with Narcissus. but the young man did not reciprocate his love for it. then Echo became a very sad heart.

from day to day, languish so Echo be thin dried until there are no more left of his body except for this voice or Echo it. to understand whether the Echo of that fact, you need to know beforehand the ins and outs about the sound.

the sound wave moves through it, it makes no difference with ripples of water moving through the small waves when we throw a stone gravel into into it. the sound waves then it will be made from the source to all parts, like the light that emanates from the electric light bulb.

sound wave that banged on a barrier, then it will bounce back, or in other words he will bounce back. not different like light could bounce back. when a sound wave reflected back by the way so, then there was the sound of it as an echo. so echo is actually the reflection of a sound or sounds.

of course not all objects can obstruct the voice and be reflecting as an echo. some objects absorb the sound of it and not to reflecting again. this means that the sound was no longer sent back, so there happen to echo.

but generally the objects surface slick and as regular as the walls, rocks, the edge of the house, the roof is curved, will produce an echo.

did you know that clouds that reflect sound and could form an echo? note only when the sound of thunder boomed, there was no other sound because of the collision of the first sound echoed over and over time due to reflected by Cumulus.

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