History Of The Extinction Of The Atlantis

History Of The Extinction Of The Atlantis

The theory of the existence of Atlantis - Atlantis Theories about the existence of countless and varied considerably, the evidence assumed to be able to reinforce the theory is also insufficient.

History Of The Extinction Of The Atlantis Image

all theories are still considered developing speculative and thus stimulate the thousands of questions. up to now, the continent of Atlantis is still the greatest mysteries in human civilization which is not revealed.

among the many theories about Atlantis, can be described in this section also contains some related experts expressed.

The First Version Of The Existence Of Atlantis

1st version who believes Atlantis is located in the Atlantic Ocean. This version is also estimated the total area of the Atlantic the same breadth with Portugal and even up to across the Atlantic in the waters of the Caribbean.

The Second Version Of The Existence Of Atlantis

the second version mentions Atlantis is located in Ireland, this version is in the raised by Dr. Ulf Erlingsson, a geographer who studied physical geography at Uppsala University in Sweden. Ireland is the island declare Erlingsson Atlantis is meant by Plato.

the reason, size, geography and landforms the same percis Ireland with Atlantis. the most substantial in the theory is about the size of the length and width of the same Island. In addition, there is a land in the middle of the island that is surrounded by mountains.

Erlingsson also feel assured, Plato's story has a 99.98 percent of Ireland's geographic data. In addition, the disaster which resulted in the disappearance of Atlantis is Plato is the sinking of the Dogger Bank due to the incredible tide in 6,100 years BCE.

The theory not only use basic Erlingsson study physical, geographically Erlingsson megalithic site also lists in Ireland that is comparable to other megalithic monuments in Europe and North Africa. the megalithic sites contained within the territorial boundaries of Atlantis according to Plato.

each review about Atlantis get time pembenarannya, because, the theories are applied also felt reassured with the hypothesis advanced earlier. 

Moreover, the main reference is also fixed on a single idea from Plato, until 2005, acquired new research results about the existence of Atlantis, namely the theory presented in the International Symposium themed  "The Dispersal Of Austronesian Ethnogeneses and The of The People In the Indonesian Archipelago  "28-30 June 2005, held in the city of Solo, Central Java-Indonesia.

from the symposium that, interviewees reveal about the current hypothesis on the existence of Atlantis. i.e. it is land Indonesia. most archaeologists and Scientists United States even convinced the continent of Atlantis was a large island called Sunda Land or Suma Terra Land, territory is occupied and renamed kin of Sumatra, Java and possibly Borneo.

the region of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan is that around 11,600 years ago was land-land that is still a continent (continental). However, the continent is slowly sinking and separated along with the end of the last ice age.

the theory of hypothesis are partly basing on the results of a study of increasing scientific knowledge of sophisticated molecular archaeology. mentioned also, the island of Borneo and the population is the most important remnants that have a connection with Atlantis.

based on the study of Biomolekuler, the natives on the island of Borneo have genes similar to Austronesian peoples. the nation is believed to have high culture as in say Plato in the mythology that he made.

In addition, still in in a context that supports the opinion of Atlantis is located in Indonesia, there is a theory that mentions Atlantis, the population is divided in two. 

First, the lineage of the Lemuria minorities fair skinned, blue-eyed, and tall, and blonde. This nation is the ancestor of the tribe of Aryans and possess the Pleides Nation lineages

Second, another resident who skinned Brown/dark skin, relatively short bodies, brown-eyed, black-haired, and they are believed to have a line of Nations Mu or Lemuria or Pasifika.

at that time, the space, referred to as a nation, is a nation which Pleides already associated both with the inhabitants of the Earth, they are generally regarded as Gods because of its ability much more above the inhabitants of Atlantis.

This theory is also based on a reference about the existence of secret mantra (Sanskrit or Atlantis) precisely around the Suma Terra (Sumatra) or also called Swarnabhumi or Land of Taprobane. the island is located in the midst of two pillars, namely: Krakatoa and mount Toba big powerhouse.

the destruction of Atlantis was mentioned as a result of the internal conflict the authorities. Atlantis persuaded because of the wars of the modern super high technology i.e. Nuclear weapons i.e. the awarding nation Pleides.

such weapons have destroyed the bulk owned by the rulers of Atlantis, which in turn trigger instability in nature.

the destruction of Atlantis was primarily in showed in the puppet plays India. among other things, the war illustrated is divided into two major camps, the Pandavas and Kurawa.

combat vehicles and aircraft in illustrate as shrike, while the magic arrows are symbols of ballistic missile or laser beam.

the big event was won by fastness of the Pandavas, nonetheless resulted in nature becomes unbalanced. the eruption occurred at last bear of 2 super mountain volcano (2nd pillar) that surround them, who destroy the inhabitants of Atlantis globally, Krakatau mountain and mount Toba.

The largest lake is Lake Toba, a thousand meters of altitude above the surface of the water, is a giant Caldera assumed as remnants of the giant mountains, the explosion that caused the powerful Tsunami waves so remove all culture ever stood up in Sumatra.

due to the eruption, swept away and in lost to all parts of the world to sucked to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Meanwhile, a small part of the population that survived fled to the West. and they reached India, of Lanka (Sri Lanka), and became the Aryan race.

Some fled to the East and Oceania and the Indian nation, but a small part of the population that survived was the inhabitants of which are on the outer ring road that is far from the center of Atlantis.

Thus, sustainability technology suddenly stalled and went back to prehistoric times. record only bequeath these stories which later give you a sense of confidence that is shared by the inhabitants of the Earth as guidance and guidelines for living so as not happening again which resulted in Megatron's destruction of human civilization for the umpteenth time.

Since then, the Pleides (sentient space) decided not to intervene in human development, including to the current count, because the appearance of in every culture as their intervention against human growing process on Earth . thus resulting in destruction.

the difference in the level of civilization and technology was considered a man of the Earth are not yet ready to accept technology that they convey. because it always happens is abuse, such intervention also turned out to have an impact on excessive veneration and think of them as Gods and ultimately get rid of the existence of God.

currently they only observe and occasionally come visit our Saint often cited by UFO (Unidentified Flaying Object) or the aliens. the appearance of UFOS which often preached by the Western world (Europe and America) also considered they were observing the parts side of the most advanced cultures like they did on the previous culture.

in theory, the people of Indonesia are now not the descendant of Atlantis and Mu/Lemuria, but rather a Mongoloid tribes came from South China via Malacca and Negroid tribe of Austro-asiatic originating from Australia, and they are finally living in the former territory of the ruins of Atlantis.

other speculative theories about the difference of the continent of Atlantis, thus mutually opposite each other. in another theory, Atlantis is always associated with the presence of UFO directly, it is believed, by supporters of the existence of UFOS, an extraterrestrial sentient beings are humans of Atlantis who left Earth because of the destruction of the bulk.

them with its advanced technology, moved to another planet, one assumes they moved to the planet mars, then moved again to another planet. This also explains the evolution of humans who turn into aliens.

within thousands of years or longer, because of the enormous technological developments, human heads become larger because of the position of the brain they use is getting maximum exposure, their bodies became thinner due to more advanced technology, there is no longer work hard they used to do.

their mouth became smaller because consumption has been more in a way in an infusion or already shaped pills, they occasionally traveled to Earth to examine the life he had left behind.

an extinction can be known from the trace or traces that are left behind, or other information that marked its presence in earlier times. the extinction of the continent of Atlantis among others can be tracked from the findings by researcher James Church-ward who discovered the sacred writings of the Tibetan civilization residents showed  "two unknown ocean ".

Chruchward suspect one of them is the continent of Atlantis. so also a Petroglyph in Yucatan, Mexico. invented by William Niven.

antiquities that depicts an unknown configuration from a land around the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. There are estimates that exist around the Continent and even to Portugal to across the Atlantic in the waters of the Caribbean.

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