What Is Mineral, The Types Of Mineral And How Minerals Formed

What Is Mineral And The Types Of Mineral

The minerals is any material that we find in the skin of the Earth's crust are not of living beings. sometimes people call kerosene, coal and limestone were minerals, but by so these materials were derived from plants and minerals that lived millions of years ago, then they are basically is not a mineral.

Picture Of What Is Mineral And The Types Of Mineral

The Types Of Mineral

in general a mineral that consists of two classes, namely, metallic minerals and non-metallic minerals. examples of metallic minerals is Hematite (iron), born-it (copper), and bauxite (aluminum). non-metallic minerals are, among others, quarts, asbestos and calcite. mineral materials are generally found in the form of "Crystal" or Halliburton.

indeed it is easy to be confused in distinguishing explicitly between minerals and rocks, but the differences that exist, a mineral has a specific order. the chemicals that make up almost the same chemical can be thoroughly, no matter where located. so a mineral that we find in any part of the world will have sheen, solid, levels and other characteristics are the same.

but rocks that consist of a mixture of a variety of minerals, we takes an example is granite, granite is a rock composed of various minerals such as quartz, feldspar, mica, and others. a piece of granite that we find somewhere can vary the vast gardens that assortment if we compare with granite elsewhere.

How Are Minerals Formed

the mineral can be found in the middle of rocks or in the middle of sand and gravel. the way they are formed is very diverse, many minerals have crystallized or be hard since millions years ago the fan comes from the liquid melting due to the scorching cobblestones, i.e. "magma".

diamond, mica and feldspar are examples of minerals formed from magma that is melting it. there are certain minerals, viewed those very expensive price, particularly because of the nice shape and is rarely found. such mineral we call "Precious stones". some examples of precious mineral stones is high priced and very expensive diamond, garnet, topaz and zircon. 

most type of minerals there are otherwise pretty much the same everywhere, the most common mineral is quartz, there are more than 200 kind of quartz that we can find in almost all parts of the world.

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