Mica, What Is Mica And How To Make Mica
What is mica - have you ever found a piece of mica and separate the layers of MICA it using your nails? people sometimes call it the "Abra" Abra is actually is a name used to refer to a sheet of mica it. basically the mica is a mineral, in fact we use the term "mica" was to represent the whole family rocks shaped mineral mica was.
the mineral mica that is muskevit, flegeoit, biotit and lepidolit. you might rather have trouble so spell those names. so that is why we prefer to use the term "mica" only.
all of the minerals mentioned above seem similar to each other, even though they are made of different metals. all types of mica can be separated into thin sheet. they are very soft and can be easily in scratch by our fingernails.
all types of mica it forms crystals. all types of mica has a color that ranges from clear white to yellow, green, red, blue, brown and black.
this type of mica we find among the rocks found in the Earth's crust. they are an important part of a row of large igneous rock family, meaning the rocks formed by the freeze substance because the heat melting ever.
sometimes other minerals can switch form into mica through a process called "metamorphosis". this means changing shape due to pressure, heat and water.
How To Make Mica
mica has to be mined, the most important producer of mica is a mountain range of the Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Canada, India, Malagasy, the Soviet Union, Brasilia and United South Africa. to prepare for mica for the purposes of trade, then sheets of mica are separated in advance according to the desired thick and thin. mica then cut according to the size of the corresponding order.mica is the most potent protective materials, mica can't penetrate heat nor electricity. so you can imagine yourself how this benefits the abundance of mica, mica benefits especially in the area of industrial power tools and gadgets for anti fire.
it is possible that you are wearing the tools that contain mica in your home, like an electric stove, electric irons, electric light etc. did you know that before the glass in disposable people in general like this now, then people have put up their window at mica in ancient times before the discovery of glass for the windows of your home.