7 Love Tips On How To Know The Myths Of Love

7 Love Tips On How To Know The Myths Of Love

when you are in love, the world feels have both and felt the world filled with the flowers, so sometimes you will forget the reality of life. therefore, beware of misleading 7 myths about love .

Since children we often read or hear a variety of fairy tale love. of course you still remember right with the story of the cinderela and snow white which tells about an ordinary girl picked up a prince adulation of his heart and then get married and live happily ever after. but, if you are too based on the love story while real love never come, remember, the love story only as fairy tales, while we live in the real world, so we don't get stuck with these dangerous myths, should you learn immediately 7 myths of love :

Picture Of 7 Love Tips On How To Know The Myths Of Love

Myth 1. Each Person Must Have Soul Mates

okay you believe has a soul mate in parts of the world there. but what if the soul mate you are 45 years old, married and like to snore when sleeping? or it may just be the soul mate you are a female?
soul mates that actually do not exist in fact : you have moment find ideal partner, but finding the perfect man is certainly not easy. therefore we need extra effort, for example by trying to resolve the mismatch with your own spouse.

Myth 2. Men From Mars, Women Are From Venus.

This myth is the opposite of the myth of "soul mate" : this concept argue that the woman and men are very contradictory. obviously this myth is very dangerous because it always made the shield aka reasons when the relationship is experiencing tension. ultimately no one wants to budge between woman and men since it considers men and woman there is no similarity.

as George Carlin said " men and woman are equally human. if you want to become a lasting relationship then do not exploit this myth as a base or shield in a relationship love you guys. faced with emboldened.

Myth 3. One Day The Prince Will Come.

and the prince then gives file secure, peaceful and beautiful to you. be careful with this kind of way of thinking because it is very dangerous for you. you have to deal with realities of life like this : getting married is not the way out to resolve the issue. because in fact married it complicated. the data showed 50% of marriages ended in divorce. then the widow who remarried be possible of divorce the second time.

even if the marriage is successful, the opportunity to earn a total income of men and are able to provide a living spiritual birth presentation fifty-fifty only.

Myth 4. Love Alone Is Sufficient.

this myth does away with an expression of that love is able to overpower everything including logic, therefore we often hear elderly people used to stay " eat the Love" because we know that the destruction of marriage can be caused by communication problems and finance. unfortunately we can not expect the feeling of love is lit and burning continuously all the time, sometimes love is fading due to loneliness and a variety of other factors, because it's a relationship should be built above a solid foundation not only the capitalization of love only.

some thing that could be the cornerstone of a be relationship : similarities intellectual, sense of humor, one religion, mutual respect and tolerance

Myth 5. Love Means No Say Sorry.

If only this expression is true. utilizing the kindness your love with a reluctant to say sorry is a mistake. you often forget the importance of saying sorry. but because it feels so close and you are very familiar with it then you down don't need to apologize against your spouse when you made a mistake. but in the heart of your partner, your partner feels offended, well if you offended spouse to undeceive you, do not be surprised if he'll love to other people who can understand and appreciate her feelings well.

Myth 6. Happily Ever After

throughout human history there has not been one feel happy forever, it is tempting to believed this myth, especially newly married couples. who would not want to live happily in this world forever? if you are happy with the life that is lived today. means you are had. remember, happy or unhappy it is depends on yourself.

Myth 7. Love Is Painful

Love is not reciprocated it is very painful feeling. and if that means not the painful feelings of love. love becomes painful if you are pursuing the wrong man or couples, therefore stop chasing before it is too late and made you hurt, because the broken heart in years old teenagers or in their twenties is reasonable and do not take giddy with love hurt yourself.

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