Finance - Smart Way Muster Funds To A Business

Finance is a very interesting thing for us to learn, especially for those of us who are going to start a business, not his time yet, start a business with only with funds that are mediocre, let alone with reckless!

many women who dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur or have your own business, however, often times the dream failed to become a reality, one of the causes for this are : venture capital and you experience it?

finance - smart way muster funds to a business

Here Are Some Question About The Capital :
1. I want to run my.own business, how do u calculate the funds necessary in starting a business?
the magnitude of the initial capital of course depending in the business type of to that you run, however, every business has its own characteristics. for example : the field of financial consultancy service, do not need the money of the restaurant business, basically, when talking about the initial cost, there are three types of capital that must be fully taken into account ; initial investment, working capital, and operations.

initial investment capital is the money you have to spend, when first starting a business, usually used for the long term. for example, if you are going to start a restaurant business, capital investment initially, namely : buildings, equipment, utensils, cooking and interior design.

after that, you should be preparing working capital, working capital is the production cost or purchase merchandise. for the restaurant business, purchasing food includes ingredients inside. while the operational capital us funds that are prepared each month for activity operation a business that consists of : employee salaries, the cost of electricity, water charges, cost of retribution.

to keep in mind, you must prepare the minimum capital to run your business for 6 months, so, in that period, you are no longer made giddy thinking of the salaries of employees nd other production costs. this way, you can concentrate more to develop the business.

2. what Step should Be Taken To Gather Capital?
first, create a time plan, arrange the target that you must accomplish each month or each year. with goog planning, you will more easily measure the magnitude of the effort  needed, before the business is run. the most excellent of course seeking capital from the money itself. if this is something that is projected for the coming year 10-15.

you can set aside funds each month to be invested into the business capital, a long period of time, you can choose the type of investment id high risk, so its rate of return will also be high.

in addition to the money, you also need to collect capital of knowledge and skill that support the development of the business later. for example, for selling food not enough id you just know how to cook, the next task is learning proper marketing strategies, determine the target consumer, pack the product, the concept of business and others.

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3. I Want To Start A business within less than five years, but i can't set aside a fund large enough to invest each month, then what  should I do?
still allocate money according your ability every month. but, don't bother spending more just to force myself to raise capital. if they are the target of the specified time, you can only collect of the amount of capital, then you need not worry.

there are still other alternatives to overcome the shortage, for example, you need cookware, tables, and chairs for restaurant, when you can not buy a seat, desk and a new cookware, then you can take used items or just rented it out, here you have to be creative to overcome shortcomings you!.

other options? try to think of the possibility of teaming up with friends or relatives to gather capital indeed often heard slogan : doing business with friends will ruin the friendship, however, if not with companions or friend, then who else? moreover, the bank generally requires business should already be running at least a year or two years to get a loan from a bank.

problems and a clash during the process of doing business are very common. to be sure, business is not able to run alone, there should be others to exchange ideas or argument you met, in my.opinion, is the choice of the right sparring partner!.

4. now many bank or credit card that offers a loan without collateral, can I use as a business capital?
if a business is already running and starts making a profit, you can take a loan of this type, we recommend credit cards repayments are paid from your business, not made from primary capital. similarly, if you are still working and intend to take a loan from the office to open business. do not let you use the installment spend for salaries.

beside banks, there are a lot of other financial institutions that can provide loans, such a cooperative one and the terms of lending do not pose too difficult. you just need to sign up as a member of the cooperative and saving fund in cooperative. interest in cooperative bank in comparison to high indeed, but because the procedure easier, fund from the cooperative can be used as an alternative to you the new businessmen.

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