Technology - How To Be A Modern People Which Organized In Google Era

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In the era of Technology, information entered with not unstoppable, the problem is how we organize plenty of information technology each day/ Douglas C. Merril, former Chief Information Officer of Google in his book Getting Organized In The Google Era, gives ideas about how to be a modern people which organized both for personal or professional purposes.

Write On Paper
The human brain is like a unique small machine, but less good in accommodating a small information in large numbers, on the other hand, the brain has great capability in receiving small collection of information and make sense. 

so in order to make any promises unforgettable encounters, then write down your schedule on paper, why? because of the small information accumulates it will evolves is not irregular in your brain and maybe it can cause big problems when you forget.

Change Traditional Rules
sometimes the habit in society makes the rules of the time we becomes inefficient, as in the equation of work time that make all of us had to deal with traffic congestion a very dense traffic. just because of the flow of time departing workers and time the workers went home together, as a result, work time became inefficient and unproductive.

to solve it, try moving the work schedule- of course with the permission of Office Management into one or two hours earlier. that way, you can avoid the flurry of in the morning or in the afternoon.

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Remove Barriers
in life everyone surely meet with obstacles, which became the biggest challenge is finding the boundary lines between reality and fantasy, for example if you have a habit of often delay the work in the Office, only to open the site of friendship or just to open a social media site, then this means the bottleneck is not the which indeed barriers, because of the obstacles created by your own.

so minimize the bottleneck by limiting the time for fun and replace it with work. okay just ten minutes to open social media site or site of friendship, but after that let themselves official to return to work.

Paper Or Digital
make sure that your documents are stored properly in digital form or in the form of paper that are easier to find time of need, like Douglas C. Merrill, who prefer to keep a daily schedule in digital form, so more ease himself in checking the schedule, although the paper will always be a you when want to long more quickly.

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