Earth And From What The Earth Formed

From What The Earth Formed? and you can answer this question! humans have managed to explore the Moon and are conducting an investigation into the other planets, however, it is still not know exactly whether the actual material of the Earth.
The Earth Formed

let's look back for a moment, can we give answers to the questions above, and there is an answer to the question is as follows :

the Earth is a gigantic ball, which is mostly composed of rocks, in the belly of the Earth, the rocks were fused, but on the outer layer of rocks that solid shape, less than a third of the Earth's surface itself is part of the mainland of more than two-thirds of the water.

let us review the situation in detail, the outer layer of the Earth is a ball of crustal rocks are roughly 10 to 30 miles thick, the layer of the Earth's crust is sometimes commonly referred to as "lotosfir". a high part of it lies a layer of the earth's crust this is the mainland, while the low water of the ocean, the sea, accommodate the protrusion into the mainland, as well as lakes.

the entire water layer on the surface of the Earth, oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and all the water flow the most smallest are called "hidrosfir".

the human has been successfully investigating the most outer part of the crust of the Earth's rocks, which is the topmost layer on its surface, which is why it is still hard for us to tell you exactly how the actual state of the ball our Earth is, from the inside, by the time we dug well or make the cave for the purpose of extracting mines, will turn out for us that the deeper we dug it, the higher the temperature feels, at two miles under the surface of the ground, we would find such a  high temperature so that it is hot enough to boil water.

but scholars have been able to uncover the subject part in our globe by means of investigations against Earthquakes, they contended that the increase in temperature difference into the belly of the Earth that does not exceed 10.000 degrees Fahrenheit, of course this kind of temperature is already way extremely hot, with temperature only 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit  just have been able to immerse the stones.

part of the Earth's crust is made up of two layers, the top layer, which forms the mainland was made of granite, under a layer of granite is one thick layer again consisting of very hard rocks, which we call "basalt", science experts argue that in the center of the Earth, there is a giant ball composed of iron melting with a cross-section of all 4,000 miles.

between ball centers with a layer of crust rocks there is a king of skin thick cavity approximately 2,000 miles of so-called "coat" or "cloak", allegedly the robe or coat that consists of some sort of rocks called "olivine".

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