History And Ancient Figure

Great Leaders
Tribal Chief
A human being is sentient beings in mind, thank to the minds he is superior to other beings on Earth : the plants and animals of the on make use of to create a more comfortable life, human live in tribes that formed from a collection of many families in order to easily fend off harm, a group whose job tribal chief takes the lead, decide and give orders. primitive tribes have any wise leader in the village

The Chief Ruler
time change to time, chief of the most ambitious successfully conquered the neighboring tribes, the Authority become very powerful until he become the ruler of the area, when a Chief died, power passed to the eldest son or a person of his/her choice. this ruler has absolute powder and the people cannot influence the decision that decided by the tribal chief.

ancient figure
history and ancient figure

history of the wars is covered by and surrounded, the destruction and the battle, rules of ancient times is very often fought against its neighbors and repress the insurgents to increase his power, he must have had soldiers and able to lead the army, and he should be able to command General of the loyal and brave.

it often happens is history : when a General become a power, with his troops, he overthrew the king and sized powder through a coup, and then enforcing the military regime.

war in ancient figure

The Prophet
but not all revolutions begin like that, sometimes a person whom the GOD and teach freedom and justice may encourage people to rebel against oppression and injustice, and topple rulers, Phrophet, namely whom the God, played an important role in the history and perhaps more important than the role of a King, since even after the Prophet's death, his teachings are still able to change the fate of millions of people and are still practiced to this day.

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The Wisdom Of History
if you examine the history of events, you will see ; when a nation has reached the peak of his power like it or not like it, the nation is beginning to generate and often subject to him. history repeats again, only the wisdom that can be obtained are : everything that has a beginning will end as well.

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