Protozoa And What Is Protozoan That

What Is Protozoan That?
When you take a spoonful of water from a pond and examine it under a microscope, you would see more than a million small animals that swim around in the water there, the animals that we call "protozoa". protozoa are the simplest from of animal known to man for this, since protozoa only consists of one single cell.

all living beings in the water or in damp places, scholars study with great interest because although protozoa consists only of a single cell a cell that can perform all the tasks required to sustain life.

protozoa and what is the protozoa

protozoa can hunt in search of food, and then absorb the food, protozoa can breathe and carry out the process of burning the food against protozoa feeding, then dump the litter it self and protozoa can also continue the lineage of its kind.

protozoa reproduce by means of splitting into two and each crevice incarnate so new animals separate and complete anyway, but it can also cause swollen way-a small swelling that we call "bud", which when the rupture will form a new and separate animal.

there are more than 15,000 kinds of protozoa so the experts break it down in science has a variety of classes and groups, two main groups of protozoa "Rhizopoda" it is " and the other called "infusoria".

type Rhizoa has pseudo "legs" that can be swing to a variety of majors and can also be withdrawn retroactively into his body, the family of one of these groups that interest is "Foraminifera" or the maker of the hole.

they wear small shells are made from limestone, substances where there are small holes on it, these animals live in the ocean that has heat and being, when dead, skin of the clams it will fall to the sea floor and during the time of the turn of the centuries, its remnants produce materials quarry chalk.

Infusoria including types of protozoa that are more intricate order, infusoria have smooth feathers that protrude out of his cell, which he used as paddles to move in the water, the most advanced form of the protozoan already has hair feathers that stands out and is called "cilia'.

they wear small shells are made from limestone, substances where there are small holes on it. these animals live in the ocean that has heat and being, when dead, skin kerangnya it will fall to the sea floor and during the time of the turn of the centuries its remnants produce materials quarry chalk.

Infusoria including types of protozoa that are more intricate order, infusoria have smooth feathers that protrude out of his cell, which he used as paddles to move in the water, the most advanced form of the Protozoan already has hair feathers that stands out and is called "Cilia".

on certain protozoan parasite life as the inside of a human or animal body, in their lives, they form spores, some of this protozoan causes disease such as malaria and sleeping sickness in humans.

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